Hi, I'm Ethan!

I design spaces that tell stories for people.

As an interdisciplinary creative,

I believe in storytelling through my work.

As a designer who has lived in Hong Kong, the US and Canada,

I like to create experiences that are universally human.

I am skilled at using:


Rhino 3D



Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign


Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe After Effects

MakerBot 3D Printing


* in the process of constant learning!

Here are my
Recent Graduate!
Northwestern University
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Theatre)
Architectural E&D Minor, Segal Design Certificate
Architectural Design Intern
Booth Hansen Architects
External Co-President
Theme Park Engineering & Design
Northwestern University
1st Place: Indoor Ride Design Team
University of Florida Gator TPED
Swamp Thrills Design Competition 2022

View on Gator TPED's website >

1st Place: Theme Park Design Team
Ohio State University TPEG Alumni
Theme Park Design Competition 2021

View on OSU TPEG Alumni's website >

Scenic Designer
Northwestern University Student Theatre Coalition

View my full work timeline on LinkedIn >

Explore my work in
architectural and themed
design here!

Click on a tile to learn more.